Monday 23 June 2014

Tugas Softskill Materi Bulan Keempat

Exercise 37: Relative Clauses
1.      The last record (which) was produced by this company become a gold record
2.      Checking accountn (which) require a minimum balance are very common now
3.      The professor to (whom) you spoke yesterday is not here today
4.      John (whose) grades are the highest in the school has received a scholarship
5.      Felipe boughth a camera (that) has three lenses
6.      Frank is the man (whom) we are going to nominate for the office of treasurer
7.      The doctor is with a patient whose leg was broken in an accident
8.      Jane is the women (who) is going to China next year
9.      Janet wants a typewriter (that) self-corrects
10.   This book (that) i found last week contains some useful information
11.   Mr. Bryant (whose) team has lost the game looks very sad
12.   James wrote an article (whom) indicated that he disliked the president
13.   The director of the program (who) graduated from Harvard University is planning to retire next year
14.   This is the book (that) i have been looking for all year
15.   William (whose) brother is a lawyer wants to become a judge

Exercise 38 : Relative Clause Reduction
1.      George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention
2.      All of the money accepted has already been released
3.      The papers on the table belong to Patricia
4.      The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime
5.      The girl drinking coffee is Mary Allen
6.      John’s wife, a professor, has writen several papers on this subject
7.      The man talking to the police man is my uncle
8.      The book on the top shelf is the one that i need
9.      The number pf students having been counted is quite high
10.   Leo Evans, a doctor eats in the restaurant every day 

Relative clauses

A relative clause is one that’s connected to the main clause of the sentence by a word such as who, whom, which, that, or whose. For example:
It reminded him of the house that he used to live in.
The items, which are believed to be family heirlooms, included a grandfather clock worth around £3,000.
There are two types of relative clause: restrictive (or defining) relative clauses and non-restrictive (or non-defining) relative clauses. The difference between them is as follows:
  • A restrictive relative clause provides essential information about the noun to which it refers. It cannot be left out of the sentence without affecting the meaning. The highlighted section of the first sentence above is a restrictive relative clause. If it was left out, the sentence would not make sense:
It reminded him of the house. [which house?]
  • A non-restrictive relative clause provides information that can be left out without affecting the meaning or structure of the sentence. The highlighted section of the second sentence above is a non-restrictive relative clause. If it was left out, the sentence would still make perfect sense:
The items included a grandfather clock worth around £3,000.

You do not need to put a comma before restrictive relative clauses. On the other hand, non-restrictive relative clauses should be separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma or commas. For example:
A list of contents would have made it easier to steer through the book, which also lacks a map.
Bill, who had fallen asleep on the sofa, suddenly roused himself.

In British English, restrictive relative clauses can be introduced by that or which when they are referring to things rather than people:
The coat that/which Dan had on yesterday was new.

In this sentence, the writer is identifying the coat by saying it’s the one Dan was wearing yesterday, as opposed to any other coats he might own.
Non-restrictive relative clauses must always be introduced by which and never by that:
The coat, which Dan had on yesterday, was made of pure alpaca and cost a bomb.

In this sentence, there’s no need to identify the coat – it’s already been mentioned. But the writer is providing a bit of background context by telling us that Dan was wearing it yesterday.

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